Macro Properties


This view of the Properties window may be accessed from the Macro Express - Explorer in a couple of ways.


1.Highlight the macro and then click on Macros > Properties from the Macro Explorer menu

2.Right click on the macro and left click on Macro Properties from the context menu.



Macro Express Explorer > Right Click on a Macro > Left Click on Macro Properties



The following information is available about the macro selected.



This Tab provides some basic information about the macro such as the last modified date or scheduled time if a scheduled macro. Click on the check box to change the status of the macro from Enabled to Disabled or vice versa. This panels also allows editing of the Macro Name.



This tab displays what activation(s) are in use for the macro. The activation(s) may be modified from this screen.



The Scope tab displays the macro scope and any programs or windows assigned if using Program or Window Specific scopes. The selections may be modified from this panel.




The Security Tab allows for changes to the existing passwords assigned to the macro or to add a password.




The Logging Tab displays any error logging that the macro is defined to use. The logging options are set in Preferences > Playback > Miscellaneous and will log errors or will log all commands in the macro, depending on the option selected.


The field in this tab is not editable. Click on the Clear Log button to remove all log entries.