Mouse Clicks


The following mouse commands do not display a Macro Express window when editing and are inserted directly into the macro script. Open the Mouse category of commands and double click on one of the options listed below to insert into the script. This list also represents how the commands are displayed in the Script Editor.


These commands execute mouse clicks during the playback of the macro. First, use the Mouse Move command or another command that positions the mouse before inserting a mouse click command.



Mouse Function


Mouse Left Button Down

Holds down the left mouse button without releasing it. This can be used for dragging items during macro playback.

Mouse Left Button Up

Releases the left mouse button from its held down position.

Mouse Left Click

A single click of the left mouse button one time.

Mouse Left Double Click

Double clicks the left mouse button.

Mouse Middle Button Down

Holds down the middle button of a three button mouse without releasing it.

Mouse Middle Button Up

Releases the middle button of a three button mouse from its held down position.

Mouse Middle Click

A single click of the middle button of a three button mouse.

Mouse Middle Double Click

Double clicks the middle button of a three button mouse.

Mouse Right Button Down

Holds down the right mouse button without releasing it.

Mouse Right Button Up

Releases the right mouse button from its held down position.

Mouse Right Click

A single click of the right mouse button.

Mouse Right Double Click

Double clicks the right mouse button.



üNote: If using one of the Mouse Button Down commands, make sure to include a corresponding Mouse Button Up command in the macro. Otherwise the mouse may become stuck in the down position.