Caps, Num and Scroll Lock Keys


This command activates or releases the Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock keys.



Script Editor > Expand Keyboard Category > Caps Lock, Num Lock or Sroll Lock Options



For example, to capitalize a section of text (all caps), insert the Caps Lock On command before the text that is to be typed. To revert back to regular text, place a Caps Lock Off command before the next section of text. The Num Lock option is only available in Windows 2000 and later.



Key Action

Select which key to use - the Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock key.




Select whether to turn the key on or off.



üNote: If the Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll lock is turned on during macro playback, these keys will remain locked after the macro has completed, unless a corresponding Turn Key Off command is also issued playback.