Macro Run


This function is the key to stringing macros together. Incorporate one or several macros into another macro by inserting this command into the macro script. The called macro starts playing when the script finds the Macro Run command.



Script Editor > Expand Macro Control Category > Macro Run



Macro File Name

Since Macro Express allows more than a single macro file to be open at one time, click on the Browse button and locate the file that contains the macro to be run. Or manually type in the file and path.


1: If the Macro Filename field is left blank, Macro Express looks for the macro in the same file as the macro currently being written.
2: The Macro Run command runs a macro regardless of whether or not it is disabled.
3: If two macros have the same name the one with the earliest index number will run.



Macro Nickname

Click on the Browse button to select the macro to run. Macro nicknames are displayed for any macro files that are currently open.  If the macro file containing the macro to be run is not currently open, then type the macro name in the edit box.



Wait for this Macro to Terminate before Proceeding

Check this box to make sure that the first macro does not continue running until the macro in the Macro Run command has finished playing back. If not selected, the original macro and the called macro will both play back simultaneously.



üNote: If the called macro is a Popup Menu macro, the wait option is ignored. The Popup menu will open and the original macro will continue running.




After inserting the Macro Run command into the script, right mouse click on the command. From the context menu, left click on Edit Macro to open a new tab in the Script Editor. The new tab displays the contents of the macro called in the Macro Run command. This provides a quick way to view the contents of the called macro.



Additional Information About Variables


Global variable values are passed from one macro to another when the macros are strung together using the Macro Run command.


For example if variable N[1] was assigned a value of "123" in the main macro and the called macro types out the value of N[1] to another application using the Text Type command, "123" is typed. There is no need to set N[1] to a value of "123" again in the called macro.


The variable values are cleared after the entire macro is run. To save the variable values for use with another macro, which is not part of the original macro or called macros, use the Variable Save and Variable Restore commands.


Similarly, other functions such as the Macro Playback Speed, Keystroke Speed, etc. are passed from the original macro to the called macro. If the variable value is reset in the called macro or the speed is changed in the called macro, those values are passed back to the original macro when it resumes.


üNote: The above statements are valid IF the Wait for this Macro to Terminate before Proceeding option, described above, is selected. If the option is NOT selected, then the values are not passed from one macro to the other.