Ping Site


This command pings a web site or IP address.



Script Editor > Expand Internet Category > Ping Site



IP Address/Hostname

Insert the address of the site to ping. This can be an address such as or an IP address.



Store results in

The results of the ping are saved to an assigned variable. The results include information such as if the ping was successful, or one of a number of error messages if it was not successful.



Seconds to wait for a response

Insert the number of seconds to wait for a response.





Don't process embedded variables

When using a variable in the address field, this option ignores any % signs found within the variable value and will not attempt to treat the % signs as an embedded variable. It will just expand the % sign as a standard character during macro runtime.




Assume for example a variable of %T[1]% with a value of


1. With this option selected, the macro will ping the site found at


2. If the option is not selected, then the macro will assume that there is a variable of %DomainName% and look to expand its value.

a. If the variable %DomainName% does not exist, then the macro will generate an error because it could not find the value for this variable.

b. Otherwise it will expand the value of %DomainName% within the main variable.