Set/Clear Password(s)


This menu option provides password protection to a category of macros. Select whether to prevent users from running, editing or viewing macros in the selected category. Selecting All Categories effectively password protects the entire macro (.mex) file. The Lock icon indicates that a password is currently in place.



Macro Express Explorer > Category > Set/Clear Password(s)



Run Password

None of the macros in the password protected category will run without first typing the password. When a macro is activated, a prompt appears requesting the password be input. Once the password is successfully entered, the macro starts running.



Edit Password

The macros in the password protected category are displayed, but may not be edited without first typing the password.



View Password

None of the macros in the password protected category are displayed without first typing the password. Once the password is successfully input, the macros in the category may be viewed, edited, saved or deleted. Once another category is opened, the password must be typed again to reenter the password protected category.





Create a New Password

To create a password for the first time select the Run, Edit or View option and click on the Change button. Leave the Original Password field empty and enter the password in the New Password field. Confirm the password in the Confirm Password field and save.



Change an Existing Password

To change an existing password select the Run, Edit or View option and click on the Change button. Enter the current password in the Existing Password field. Insert the new password in the New Password field. Confirm the password in the Confirm Password field and save.



üNote: Leave the New Password and Confirm Password fields blank if removing a password from the category.



See Also

Encrypted Text

Password Protection
