Export Playable Macro


A "Playable Macro" file format is available in Macro Express. Files with an .MXE file extension are similar to .EXE files. Double clicking on the .MXE file from within Windows Explorer, My Computer or the desktop plays back the macro.


Macro Express is not required to be running to execute the .MXE macro, though installation of the Macro Express player is necessary. The .MXE file may also be executed from a command line parameter to run a batch file or similar.



Exporting the macro

The Export as Playable Macro option exports (creates) any defined macro as a playable .MXE macro. From the Macro Express Pro - Explorer window highlight the macro to export and click on File > Export > Export as Playable Macro. Or right click on the macro and select Export > Export as Playable from the context menu.


A dialog box prompts for a file name and folder destination for storing the .MXE file. By default, the macro nickname is inserted as the file name but may be changed if desired.


Windows does not allow the following characters in a file name: | ? : \ / " < > and *.  If the macro nickname contains any of these characters, they will be deleted from the default .MXE file name.



üNote: Any activation assigned to the original macro, such as a hot key, schedule or other, is not stored in the playable macro. Double click on the .MXE file to activate the macro.


üNote: Do not include any Macro Run commands in the playable macro. The macro from the Macro Run command is not compiled into the playable macro and will cause an error when running.



Highlight macro in Macro Express - Explorer > File > Export > Export as Playable Macro