

This tab lists all variables available for use in the macro. Use this option to create, edit or delete variables.




Script Editor > Variables Tab




The variable type is listed in this column.



Variable Name

A list of the variable names is displayed in this column.




This column displays the number of array elements associated with the variables.




If the Global check box is selected for a variable, the variable values are available to other macros. The values may be passed using the Macro Run command or the Variable Save and Variable Restore commands.





Add, Properties, Delete Buttons

These three buttons provide options to create a new variable, edit an existing variable or delete it.




Script Editor > Variables Tab > Add Button




Click on the Add button to create a new variable for use in the macro. The Variable Properties window, as shown above, opens for generating new variables. This option does not allow for assigning values to a variable. Use this function to create the variable name and type. Use the Variable commands to assign values to variables.


Variable Name

Assign a name to the variable, preferably something that is easy to remember or that identifies the variable. In the example above the variable is named "sales". Variable names may not exceed 31 characters.


üNote: If assigning original names to variables, instead of using T[1], D[1], etc., then the following characters are not allowed in the variable name:  [ ] < > , . - + = \ | / * %


Variable Type

Select from the eight different types of variables. The example above displays the Text Variable option.


Create as an Array

Select this option to set the variable as an array and then choose the number of elements to make available in the array.



Select the number of elements to place in the array. In the example above, 30 elements have been selected, allowing for the use of up to 30 variables in the array. Array elements start with [1] and not [0]. The variable format looks like the following:








Make this Variable Available to Macros Called by this Macro

The variable value may be passed between macros when using the Macro Run command or when using the Variable Save and Variable Restore commands.


When this option is selected the variables are also referred to as Global variables, because they are available to other macros. When not selected, the variable values are local and may only be seen in the current macro.



Highlight a variable that has already been created. Click on the Properties button in order to edit the variable using the Variable Properties window.



Highlight a variable that has already been created. Click on the Delete button in order to remove the variable selected.