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How do I convert all currently highlighted text to lower case?

Below are the basic steps you would follow. After highlighting the text, use the clipboard cut function to cut the text and save to the clipboard. Save the clipboard to a text string variable such as T1. Modify the variable to change the text to lowercase and then convert back to the clipboard. The last step is to paste the text back into the application.

Sample for Macro Express 3:

Clipboard Cut
Variable Set String %T1% from Clipboard
Variable Modify String: Lowercase %T1%
Variable Modify String: Save %T1% to Clipboard
Clipboard Paste

Sample for Macro Express 5 and Macro Express Pro:

Clipboard Cut
Variable Set String %T[1]% from the clipboard contents
Variable Modify String %T[1]%: Lowercase
Variable Modify String: Save %T[1]% to the clipboard
Clipboard Paste

Similarly, use the Uppercase function in the Variable Modify String command to replace all highlighted text with upper case characters.

– Applies to: Macro Express and Macro Express Pro